A Beautiful Mind

- June 17,1998

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Newspaper Description : “A Beautiful Mind” is a fantastic book for anyone interested in the biographical details of an eminent man’s battle with mental illness. Sylvia Nasar is the author of this awesome book. Sylvia Nash chronicles the story of John Nash’s descent from fame as a mathematician working in some of the most prestigious universities in the United States to the bizarre world of the schizophrenic and then back out into becoming a Nobel Prize in Economics recipient. With painstaking precision and tons of footnotes, she began with Nash’s family history and proceeded through Nash’s life up to the present, never thinking twice about presenting any facts which may be disagreeable to some readers in an effort to present Nash’s life as clearly as possible. Her work is not only a credit to non-fiction writing but is also one step in the right direction to help the public see mental illness as something other than an affliction to be shunned. She shows that under the layers of a malfunctioning psyche, John Nash is a real human being.
Issue Date :17-06-1998